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Şubat, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Week 1 DevOps breaks down all barriers and  get everyone collaborating from get-go on the Same team. DevOps is about people and it is about creating a culture of focusing on delivering value for custo er. CAMS- Culture, Automation, Measurement, Sharing CALMS - ...,...,Lean,...,... DevOps Principles: Three Ways System thinking, sistemi bütün olarak anlayıp iyileştirmeye calismak Amplifying feedback loops, suanki durumu anlayıp sonraki adımı daha hızlı geliştirmek, yazılımcilara daha çabuk feedback dönmesi için otomatik test yazmak mesela Creating culture of continuous experimentation and learning Figuring out how to protect capacity, haber the capacity to focus on activities that are above and beyond feature delivery. Büyük org en büyük yaşadığı zorluk. DevOps Principles: Seven Principles and Wastes of Lean Eliminate Waste Build Quality In, küçük batchler halinde kod yaz, test et ve hata varsa hemen düzelt Create Knowledge Defer Commitment, sonradan aldığ...